Back in the 1970′s and ’80′s not much thought was ever given to drug abuse statistics and most comments were pretty much met with a yawn, and a who cares attitude. As with most presidents then and now, the hype was an urgent “war on drugs” and an occasional Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) raid to show the folks they “really” mean business. Decades ago the drug Tsunami was just getting its “sea legs”, and if you lived in a small, or rural community and needed a hit, you had to travel to a larger city. Even then you needed to know the location, what time the “candy store” opened, and also come recommended from a solid buyer in order to prove you weren’t the cops. Drug abuse statistics in the ’70′s and ’80′s did show the popularity of many drugs, mostly marijuana, and if you fast-forward to 2012 you’ll discover staggering statistical numbers on every drug imaginable. Finding a seller is as easy as making contact in a late night bar or a street corner.

Positive and Negative Drug Abuse Statistics

In past years seeking competent and professional help from a residential drug rehab facility that offered help via difference programs was not easy. Today, drug addiction treatment centers are like moss on a Mississippi tree stump – everywhere. And with the nearly 23 million past and present drug users in America ages 12 and up seeking help, something has to be done. Apparently, some folks have seen the latest drug abuse statistics, taken down the “white flag” of surrender, and are not going to wait for the Federal Government to chip in with another fancy slogan that didn’t work when Reagan was president, and won’t work now.

Don’t Follow the Crowd

Some states, like California, have decided to genuflect to outside pressure and are pushing the pedal to the floor on making the use of marijuana legal; other states are sure to follow. However, family and friends who were also shocked at the 2010 and 2011 drug abuse statistics, have not tossed in the towel, but decided to take matters into their own hands at the “home level.” This being one way to take the addict by the hand, gets them into an addiction program to defeat the problem, and get on with their lives.

The Sad and Disappointing Statistics

It truly is sad to even read that of all the men, women, and children in this country who really need drug addiction treatment, the drug abuse statistics are quite troublesome to many knowing that only one in ten get the professional help required to take their lives in another direction. So consider these two salient points.

  • Ask for help. Go ahead and reach out to parents, grandparents, and friends. It’s not a shame to seek drug abuse assistance. They will most likely be the first ones to toss you a life preserver.
  • Know that detox does not mean total recovery. Sure, you can detox and clean out your body, but most drug abuse statistics prove that drug addiction is a psychological conundrum.